Here is the whole question… I am afraid if we let this home of ours slip into foreclosure, we will ever be able to qualify for another mortgage to buy another house. How long would we have to wait to for the foreclosure on our record to no longer be a problem? My answer: Home […]
A foreclosure site is listing our house, what should I do?
I will republish the entire question, then answer it below. We just refinanced. The lender has made a horrible mistake. When they gave us the new loan, they must have done something with the old loan and I just learned that a trustee for our Mortgage Company filed (foreclosure) on 5/12/2008. on the loan that […]
With a deed in lieu of foreclosure what tax is owed?
Here is the entire question: If the lender takes a deed in lieu of foreclosure on a piece of property, does the lender have to pay any additional taxes other than whatever proceeds were received during the borrowers payment history.? For example, my borrower has made interest payments for 1 year, now they want out. […]
Are lenders of foreclosed homes willing to short sale?
Here is the question. Are lenders of defaulted mortgage willing to accept short sale offers from their borrowers rather than foreclose? My answer: The short answer is…Nope…not really. To my surprise, after reading a number of agent and buyer emails, lenders are showing limited interest in accepting “short sale” offers. Lenders Hate Short Sales To […]