Embrace Home Loans Review

Embrace Home Loans, Inc. formerly Advanced Financial Services, originates mortgages in 46 states and is headquartered in Newport, Rhode Island. They were founded in 1983 and have branches in eight additional states.
Embrace Home Loans Review
We noticed the name change from AFS to Embrace. According to their President, Kurt Noyce, the reason for the change is expansion related. In other words, their old name was not available in the states they wanted to move into and so if they wanted to build a brand, they would have to change their name to Embrace Home Loans.
According to HUD figures, Embrace Home Loans in 2009 originated about 222,000 apps totaling just over $33 billion in total volume with about 90% of that being refinance business.
Wow…This is a BIG company.
I checked out Embrace Home Loans licensing on NMLS and here is where they are currently licensed:
Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Dist. of Columbia, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Washington, West Virginia, and Wisconsin.
Embrace Home Loans Website and Phone Contacts
Website: www.embracehomeloans.com
Phone: 800-620-6292
Address: 25 Enterprise Center, Newport, RI 02840
Embrace Home Loans Visitor Company Ratings
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Author: Rob K. Blake
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I just finished a loan with these folks and they did everything I hoped they would. They were fast, trustworthy and courteous. I read a lot of the posts on this site before starting with Embrace and find the majority of complaints ridiculous.
My appraisal came in a little low, but the loan still worked and I closed in three weeks. I can understand people being upset about useless appraisals, but come on…if you live in this country and are still surprised that home values have fallen you’re an idiot! How can you not have noticed the slumping economy? foreclosures? unemployment? How can you not have noticed a news program, a news paper-anything that would have given you an indication that values might be low?
A truly overwhelming amount of clueless people on this site who haven’t gotten the news that the economy sucks and lending guidelines are super tight-wake up.