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Loan Programs Category

100 Percent Mortgage Pros and Cons

The 100 percent mortgage programs are really popular right now. This mortgage is a loan program which requires no down payment. Therefore, trouble may be brewing. Now on the surface a 100 percent mortgage this seems like a great idea. Since most surveys show the number one reason for not buying a home is no [...]

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Bad Credit Mortgage Basics

Bad credit mortgage loans are for borrowers who have credit issues and do not fit traditional mortgage credit standards. Bad credit mortgage programs are also known as B paper or subprime loans. Bad credit mortgage lenders create loan programs with their own riskier underwriting standards combined with higher rate structures and then pool them for [...]

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Mortgage Application Anxiety

Mortgage application anxiety is very common. You are definitely not alone when you get that first look at the mortgage application and your blood runs cold. It appears to a maze of financial data all over the page with no real rhyme or reason to any of it. There are big boxes, little boxes, medium [...]

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Divorce Mortgage Mistakes

Divorce mortgage mistakes can ruin your ability to get another mortgage after your divorce. When I originated and processed mortgages, I worked with many divorcing people. You probably have the same concerns as the couples I worked with. What do you do with the current mortgage and how do you buy another home as a [...]

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Investment Mortgage Requirements

An investment mortgage has different requirements for down payment and reserves than a mortgage for a home you live in. An investment mortgage is referred to as a non owner occupied and the home you live in is owner occupied. We will focus on a Fannie Mae mortgage. According to Fannie Mae’s underwriting guidelines, the [...]

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Mortgage Ratios Calculation

Mortgage ratios are a very important part of the approval process. However, most people make mistakes in calculating them. There is a difference between the ratio you use to get approved and your own budget. Back in the old days, there were ratio limits you could not exceed. If you went past them, your mortgage [...]

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Mortgage Appraisal Complaints

A mortgage appraisal is full of misperceptions and it is frustrating when something goes wrong. We are addressing the most common appraisal complaints and what you can do about them. First let’s define a mortgage appraisal. A licensed appraiser researches other properties to find homes that have sold in the last 6 months that are [...]

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Mortgage Tips to Avoid

Mortgage tips to avoid are everywhere. I am sure you have family or friends ready to give you their two cents even if you never ask for it. But how do you know what is true and valuable? It depends on where you get these mortgage tips. If they are coming from anyone other than [...]

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The Federal Housing Administration created a streamlined version of the standard FHA 203k rehabilitation mortgage program. Real estate investors have used the standard rehab loan program for years to bring dilapidated houses back to life. Now home buyers have the same opportunity with the streamline FHA 203K program, but with a few caveats. FHA 203k [...]

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